Mojo Maxx

Mojo Maxx Details Mojo Maxx is a multipurpose male enhancement supplement. It mostly targets the semen, increasing the amount ejaculated, as well as helping to increase sperm motility and health for fertility reasons. However, Mojo Maxx also increases stamina, endurance, and erection size for a well-balanced performance supplement.
Ingredients for Mojo Maxx include Solidilin, Taj and Safflower, Momordica, Apigenin and Amla, Arjuna, Cordyceps, Zinc, Reishi Mushroom, Musli, Shatavari, Drilizen, and Bladderwreck. Solidilin has been shown in studies to increase pleasure hormones as well as to improve sexual quality. Taj and Safflower are vasodilators to allow for an increase of blood flow to the penis and to the penal chambers. Momordica increase testosterone levels which is highly important in both sperm and erection health. Cordyceps also increases testosterone production. Apigenin and Amia both keep blood vessels open and healthy. Arjuna helps the body pace itself as not to over-fatigue. Zinc attends to the health of sperm, as well as helping to metabolism testosterone. Reishi Mushroom is used to increase stamina and energy, as well as being a mood booster. Musli is a natural aphrodisiac which some call a natural Viagra. Finally, Shatavari is a herb long used to cure impotence, and ease the effects of stress on the body.
There is definitely discrepancy on the site about the return policy. The frequently asked question page details that refund requests can be made up to six months after purchasing, while the ordering page says returns can only be made up to thirty days after purchasing, and only if multiple bottles were ordered.

Good about Mojo Maxx
All-natural formula
Contact information available
Easy to use, secure website
Ingredients listed
Testimonials from both men and their happy partners provided
Discreet shipping
Discreet billing
No known side effects
Free shipping

Bad about Mojo Maxx
No clinical information provided
Money-back guarantee only exists if more than one bottle was purchased
Discrepancy on the site about returns